Physical/Digital art and items :]

VeXX Variations

Physical and Digital Art Commissions
Will do NSFW/suggestive/fetish art
Please private message! $5-12 CashApp or PayPal

FAQ at the bottom of the page!
Terms of Service below ⬇️
♦️you follow these/ are subject to the repercussions regardless of if you’ve read them or not♦️

Art examples towards the end

Stickers: 2 for $5

Stickers: 2 for $5

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example

Headshot: $6

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example

Chibis: $10 each

Fullbody: $12

Fullbody: $12

Stickers: 2 for $5

Creepy style are the same price, just ask!

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example

•NSFW/Fetish/Suggestive art: please message for options, will be rendered (not sketchy like the example) there are too many different categories for that to be able to make a listing, so please send details/ideas you have and would like in the art and I’ll give ya a price so we can start!

Physical Commissions: shipped WORLDWIDE
-Please note that ALL badges ship free!

Headshot: $5

Squeaky Paw Keychains:
-Just paw and keychain: $10
-Paw, keychain, and arts: $12
-You MUST pay shipping for these, and they also come with a tracking code!

Headshot: $5

Headshot Colored Pencil Badge: $5

Headshot: $5

Posca Headshot Badge: $6

Headshot: $5

Posca Fullbody Badge: $12
(I don’t have many colors, please see painted badges below!)

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example

Acrylic painted badges: will be laminated and cutout, $10

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example

Digital badges; will be printed, laminated, and shipped:
Headshot: $10
Fullbody: $12

There are more details in my T.O.S. about extra goodies that come with the orders and any details you’ll need to know before sending a dm :>
More examples below:

NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
Headshot: $6
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
Headshot: $6
Headshot: $6
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example
NSFW/Suggestive/Fetish: please message for options, will be rendered not sketchy like example


Q:Why are your prices so low for this quality?
A: Art is not my job/full time source of income, it’s a hobby; a thing to do for fun! I want to be affordable to most anyone, and I save the money or use it to buy dumb stuff I like. I have two other jobs to pay bills/save money from :>
Q: How long is turnaround time?
A: 1-4 days or less! I zoom through art. If something that effects my schedule comes up, I’ll notify you immediately on the delay
Q: How does the process go through?
A: You send me a ref after checking out this site and also reading/agreeing to my TOS (linked above with my socials), after you tell me what you’d like I usually get done with a sketch soon which you need to approve. This is the time where you tell me if anything needs changing/adding in, and remember this includes the background details! After that’s approved and you’re satisfied with the sketch, I’ll be next sending a finished piece a couple hours or more later. Remember I’ll be posting all arts but won’t mention your user/names of characters if it’s a safety/privacy hazard
Q: How much do you make per commission opening?
A: usually above $130, even if it’s only physical commissions. Like I said, I like to be affordable for everyone, as well as a wider ray of craft/art.
Other notes:
Arts/crafts are fun! I usually do my drawing by my plants and brighter light, often recording the progress on tiktok/Instagram videos, not always but eyyy gotta make some views somehow 🫡💅